course description:
[catalog] Prereq: any Soc 201, 221, 251, 255, 260, 268. The emergence of sociology: sociology as response to the Industrial Revolution and as an attempt to develop a scientific understanding of social organization, behavior and change; the development of social thought; Comte, Spencer, Marx, Durkheim and Weber. course requirements:
There will be three non-comprehensive, 78-question, machine-graded TESTS during the quarter covering the lecture material to that date. Note: dates are approximate (click a date to see the calendar).overheads You may want to look at some of the overheads from the lectures. Here they are (note: they are not a substitute for the lecture material, nor are these the only overheads I use - some may not yet be online; some may no longer be used; some may be "freehand" in class) --Apr 24; May 16; Jun 8 optional comprehensive final Mon. Jun 11, 3:30-5:30,
I will offer an optional final for those who are in serious trouble after the three tests. It will consist of 156 machine-graded questions and will be comprehensive. If you choose to take the final, the score will count 50% toward your course grade, with the score on the regular tests counting the other 50%. If you intend to take this optional final, you must let me know by noon, the day after the results of the last test are posted. You can do this through email.. The final will be held at the regularly scheduled time.
I do not give make-up tests unless you have an official excuse in writing.
Under no circumstances will I even consider "extra credit" -- it's unfair to everyone, so don't ask.I often use alternative forms for tests (same questions, with answers randomized). You MUST indicate on the answer sheet which form you are taking; if you don't let us know what form you're taking, we'll assign one randomly. Also, be sure to fill out forms correctly; we will not resubmit poorly executed test forms.
GRADING: Your three test scores will be added together. Course grades are based on percent of the highest score, not total possible points. "Cut points" for each letter grade begin with that for A: 93-1/3% of the highest score obtained; they continue A- (90%), B+ (87-2/3%), B (83-1/3%), etc.
grades -- the moment your grades are ready you can find them here. Please don't pester me for them beforehand (it's rude). You can see your individual responses and the key here. If you believe your grade is incorrect, let me know via e-mail. I warn you that cheating, even a strong suggestion of it, will be dealt with forcefully - I will not try to determine who cheated and who permitted it; both are guilty. My cheating policy is simple: one strike and you're out.
links -- Julian Dierkes (Princeton) maintains an excellent set of links to other sociology sites. Check it out.