A n i m a t i o n   P r o j e c t s

Some of these may appear a little "jerky" while they are being cached.
Once FULLY loaded they should perform more smoothly. On a PC you may have to click "reload" for repeats.

Moon Phases
Apparent Stellar Rotation
Inner Planets Orbiting
Oregon Counties
Formation of the Contiguous United States
Sex Ratios
Death Expectancy, by Race and Sex
Washington State Counties
Formation of the California Missions

California's First Counties
The Odyssey of Alexander the Great
Charlie Chaplin
United States Counties
Galileo Galilei
Fun With Relativity
The Sociological Imagination
Aging of the U.S., 1950-2050
Mona Lisa
Ted Williams at Bat
Frontpage Animation


Other Sites
the work of Eadweard Muybridge - excellent site
How to Tie Knots page - nice use of animation
Callahan's animated cartoons funny!
MicroMovie MiniMultiplex

reduce gif size - GIF Wizard - no longer free :(