Funeral Games
London: John Murray; New York: Pantheon (1981)

        The generals had stood aside while the men passed by. Ptolemy wiped his eyes. Perdikkas stepped over to the bed. "Alexander. When you are received among the gods, at what times shall we offer you worship?"
        I don't think he expected any answer; just wanted, if he could still be heard, to make a gift of honor, as he felt it due. He was heard. Alexander came back to us, as if out of deep water. The smile still hung about him. He whispered, "When you are happy."           — The Persian Boy, 408-9

People - dark blue links to Perseus Project historical sources. This section is from the book (vii-xi)

Invented characters are italicized; all those in roman type are historical. Persons marked * are dead before the story open. Minor characters making a brief appearance are omitted.

Alexander III The Great. All further references to Alexander refer to him unless his son, Alexander IV, is specified.
Alexander IV His posthumous son by Roxane.
Alketas Brother of Perdikkas, the general.
Amyntas* Son of Philip II's elder brother, King Perdikkas. An infant when Perdikkas died, he was passed over in favor of Philip, after whose murder he was executed for treason. Husband of Kynna, father of Eurydike.
Antigonos General of Alexander; Satrap of Phrygia. Later a king, and founder of the Antigonid dynasty.
Antipatros Regent of Macedon during Alexander's years in Asia, and at the time of his death.
Aristonous A staff officer of Alexander; later loyal to Alexander IV.
Arridaios See Philip III.
Arybas A Macedonian nobleman, designer of Alexander's funeral car. His real name was Arridaios; he is here given a rather similar Epirote name to ditinguish him from Philip Arridaios.
Badia A former concubine of King Artaxerxes Ochos of Persia.
Bagoas A young Persian eunuch, favorite successively of Darius III and Alexander. Though a real person, he vanishes from history after Alexander's death, and his appearance in this story is fictional.
Darius III* The last persian Great King; murdered by his generals after his defeat by Alexander at Gaugamela.
Demetrios Son of Antigonos. (Later known as The Besieger, he became King of Macedon after Kassandros' death>)
Drypetis Younger daughter of Darius III; widow of Hephaistion.
Eumenes Chief Secretary and general of Alexander; loyal to the royal house.
Eurydike Daughter of Amyntas and Kynna. Her given name was Adeia; Eurydike was the dynastic name conferred on her at her marriage (or betrothal) to Philip III. She was the granddaughter of Philip II and of Perdikkas III, his brother.
Hephaistion* Alexander's lifelong friend, who died a few months before him.
Iollas Son of Antipatros the Regent of Macedon, younger brother of Kassandros; formerly Alexander's cupbearer.
Kassandros Eldest son of Antipatros; lifelong enemy of Alexander. (Become King of Macedon after the murder of Alexander IV.)
Kebes Tutor to the boy Alexander IV.
Kleopatra Daughter of Philip II and Olympias, sister of Alexander. Married to King Alexandros of Molossia, which she ruled after his death in Italy. Her father, Philip, was assassinated in her wedding procession.
Konon A Macedonian veteran, attendant on Philip Arridaios.
Krateros Alexander's highest-ranking officer, absent on a mission to Macedon when Alexander died.
Kynna Daughter of Philip II by an Illyrian princess, from whom she learned the skills of war. Widow of Amyntas, mother of Eurydike.
Leonnatos Staff officer and kinsman of Alexander; betrothed to Kleopatra before his death in battle.
Meleager (Greek spelling Meleagros.) A Macedonian officer, enemy of Perdikkas, supporter of Philip III.
Niarchos Boyhood friend and admiral of Alexander.
Nikaia Daughter of the Regent Antipatros, married and divorced by Perdikkas.
Nikanor Brother of Kassandros; general in Eurdike's army.
Ochos* (King Artaxerexes Ochos.) Great King of Persia before the short reign of Darius III.
Olympias Daughter of King Neoptolemos of Molossia; widow of Philip II; mother of Alexander.
Peithon Staff officer of Alexander, later of Perdikkas.
Perdikkas Second in command to Alexander after Hephaistion's death. Betrothed to Kleopatra after death of Leonnatos
Perdikkas III* Elder brother of Philip II, who succeeded him after his death in battle. (See Amyntas.)
Peukestes Staff officer of Alexander; Satrap of Persia.
Philip II* The founder of Macedonian supremacy in Greece; father of Alexander.
Philip III (Philip Arridaios.) His son by Philinna, a minor wife. The royal name of Philip was conferred at his accession.
Polyperchon Staff officer of Alexander; Regent of Macedon after Antipatros' death.
Ptolemy (Greek spelling Ptolemaios.) Staff officer, kinsman, and reputed half-brother of Alexander. Later King of Egypt, founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, and author of a history of Alexander extensively used by Arrian.
Roxane Wife of Alexander, married on campaign in Bactria. Mother of Alexander IV.
Seleukos Staff officer of Alexander. (later King of the Seleucid empire in nearer Asia.)
Sisygambis Mother of Darius III, befriended by Alexander.
Stateira Daughter of Darius III, married in state by Alexander at Susa.
Theophrastos Aristotle's successor as head of the Lyceum University at Athens, patronized by Kassandros.
Thessalonike Daughter of Philip II by a minor wife; later wife of Kassandros.

Eospure white wolfhound sacrificed at Babylon, before the elephants crushed the traitors; Arridaios' favorite.
PerseusPtolemy's cat in his book-room in the palace at Alexanderia

Places - Perseus Project (many links go to site photos at page bottom). These are all the sites listed as Hellenistic.

Aegina City || Aigosthena || Akanthos || Akragas || Amphiaraion || Amphipolis || Argissa || Argive Heraion || Argos || Asklepieion,Pergamon || Assos || Athens || Brauron || Corcyra || Corinth || Delos || Delphi || Didyma || Dodona || Dreros || Eleusis || Ephesos || Epidauros || Eretria || Euromos || Foce del Sele || Gela || Halikarnassos || Herakleia under Latmus || Iasos || Isthmia || Kalydon || Kameiros || Karystos || Kassope || Labraunda || Mantinea || Megalopolis || Messene || Metapontum || Miletus || Mycenae || Olympia || Panionium || Pella || Perachora || Pergamon || Piraeus || Poseidonia || Priene || Prinias || Rhamnous || Rhodes City || Samos,Heraion || Samothrace || Selinus || Smyrna || Sounion || Sparta || Syracuse || Tegea || Thasos || Thermon || Thorikos || Troy || Vergina ||

Maps --   The Macedonian Empire 323, BC || Detail of Greece
  Hellenistic World After Alexander, 310 BC
  After Death of Antigonus, 300 BC

Vase Paintings

The Perseus Vase Search lists only two vases from Hellenistic period, neither showing images.


